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Adult Obstruction Model


  1. Artificial respiration and external chest compression
  2. Simulation of natural airway, chest expand when airway opened
  3. Airway opening and chest compression
  4. Simulation of body airway obstruction.

Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator


  1. Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
  2. Accurate structure: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, crico-thyroid membrane, trachea is touchable.
  3. Percutaneous thyrocricoid puncuture, cricothyrotomy, tracheotomy can be practiced.

Air-way Management Model


  1. Anatomically accurate full sized mouth, tongue, airway, and esophagus. Perfect for placement of endotracheal tubes
  2. Respiratory sound auscultation
  3. Oral, nasal intubation
  4. Oral, nasal suction
  5. Soft neck with cricocartilage permits classic Sellick maneuver needed to provide a better view of the vocal cords

PACKAGE SIZE: 77*39*28cm

G.W.: 6KGS

ALS Training Manikin


Complying with AHA (American Heart Association) 2010 guideline for CPR, ALS800A provides ALS (Advanced Life Support) comprehensive training in first aid skills. The system consists of full-body manikin and a LCD with big screen. It provides a simple and practical ALS training tool.

CPR Compression Board


  1. Lower parts of head facilate airway opening.
  2. Made of high density polyethylene materials
  3. Size: 60.9*43.2*7.6 cm